Are Tiny Houses Legal? Yes. [Sort of.]

This is one of the biggest issues of going tiny, it seems…the fear whether or not it is legal. So, this is a great article. Thank you, Jay Austin of Boneyard Studios.

Das ist eine der groessten Debatten im ueberlegen ob man “Tiny” leben soll, so scheint es jedenfalls. Das hier ist ein guter Artikel. Danke an Jay Austin von Boneyard Studios.

Clothesline Tiny Homes

this is re-post of a great article written by Jay Austin over at Boneyard Studios.  [I added the photos.]

“Perhaps the biggest barrier to smaller living is the misconception that tiny houses are illegal. They’re not. Here’s why.

But first, a disclaimer on what I am and what I am not. I am an individual who lives (yes, full-time), in a tiny house in the District of Columbia. I am someone who has spent more time than I’d ever hoped trudging through DC zoning and planning and coding regulations. I am someone employed by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development who spends a lot of hours each day talking to—and learning from—housing lawyers and the very people who set federal housing policy. I have a penchant for taking risks, an insatiable urge to disrupt stale systems, and a graduate degree in government and public policy.

Here’s what…

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