Could have had a Baby…

With tomorrow marking the 9 month anniversary of my new life, I could have had a baby in that time 😜, I thought it might be time for an update. I’m still here at the RV Resort but life here hasn’t quite turned out as I had hoped. I’ve definitely come to realize that I’m…

Touring a Model Tiny House in Goleta

I was lucky enough to tour a couple models at Tiny Homes of Santa Barbara in Goleta, CA this afternoon. Unfortunately, this one is more of a teaser….my phone ran out of memory. 🙈Will post Part 2 in a little while….and then I have an awesome surprise. I got to see (and filmed) a beautiful…

6 Months living full time in my RV “Tiny Nest”

Just wanted to write a quick note to commemorate my 6-month anniversary of living full time in my Tiny House RV “Bus”- my Tiny Nest. On July 22 I packed up my life, only 2 weeks after buying my RV, and 2 week after finding a workcamping position about 40 minutes north of Santa Barbara,…

Here it is – my news…..Hier sind sie endlich- meine Neuigkeiten!!!

(German translation in italic-Deutsche Übersetzung in Schrägschrift) OMG, I did it!!!!! Ach Du lieber Gott, ich habe es getan!!! As of this afternoon, I’m the proud owner of a 1999 Fleetwood Pacearrow 36B. Seit heute Nachmittag bin ich stolze Besitzerin eines Wohnmobiles 1999 Fleetwood Pacearrow 36B.  What?????? Waaaaaas???? I still can’t believe it and I’m…

How to live tiny when you can’t afford the tiny house

Since I had to rethink and reorient, myself over these last couple of weeks, I found this to be a very fitting article. More in my own journey, soon. How to live tiny when you can’t afford the tiny house. DEUTSCH: Da ich selbst in den letzten Wochen Umdenken und mich umorientieren musste, fand ich…

Changes on the Horizon

So sometimes the best made plans turn completely around on us and turn into a very different direction and that seems to be happening in my life, right now. Here I thought, I knew exactly what I wanted, and where I was going and then everything changed. And though it was totally not planned, I’m very…

What Makes a Bus a Home?

Originally posted on tinyhomebusconversion:
Welcome! What makes a bus a home? A lot of work and a lot of friends… and a lot of work. Thank you to everyone who helped with the bus, from the stripping to the finishing touches! And thanks for all the support from everyone, your excitement about this project has…

Tiny House at Large

Originally posted on Tiny Epiphanies:
Failed Getaway Results with Tiny House In Middle of Street May 22, 2015 Sheila and I were woken up this morning at 5:00 AM by our doorbell followed by a furious banging on our front door. Sheila got up, opened the office window over the front door and asked the…

Are Tiny Houses Legal? Yes. [Sort of.]

Originally posted on Clothesline Tiny Homes:
this is re-post of a great article written by Jay Austin over at Boneyard Studios.  [I added the photos.] “Perhaps the biggest barrier to smaller living is the misconception that tiny houses are illegal. They’re not. Here’s why. But first, a disclaimer on what I am and what I…